Suggestions for Making School Education more Relevant, Effective and Meaningful

Suggestions for making school education more relevant, effective and meaningful

A good school infrastructure with adequate learning tools makes it a desirable place for students to learn and creates favourable environment for learning. Hence, school infrastructure should be developed with all basic amenities including enriching modern lab equipments, library books & sports tools. Educational Research Institutions should enlist and develop class wise practical toolkits & these toolkits should be provided to all schools for student’s use. E-granthalaya & all available e-learning materials should be made accessible to all students through Digital Library of vidyalaya and some assignments to be given to students regarding this to go through and submit their view on any e-book / audio-video material. For ensuring this sufficient fund should be allocated to schools. The amount collected through Education cess must be utilised for the provision of quality school education specifically. Public funding through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & parents or any tax payers should be allowed at school level and these contributions should be made 100% tax free under IT rules.

Parent-Teacher Associations should be made effective. Parents and local famous scientists, scholars, artists & sports personalities should be invited in school for interaction with students & skill training.

Teaching –learning should be activity & problem solving method based. Pedagogy must evolve to make education holistic, integrated, experiential, discovery oriented, learner-centred, discussion based, flexible and enjoyable.  40-50% Open ended question should be asked in examinations & students own oral and written views should be given weightage & appreciated. Students should be given flexibility in choosing topic of their project & submission of given projects. Educational excursion & visit of historic sites must be a part of school curriculum and report on such visits should be recorded & evaluated. Teachers should be given autonomy in choosing teaching methodology and arranging their classes as per their need & nature rather restricting them to typical class teaching. Participative approach of teaching should be developed with the help of students.

Curriculum should be updated immediately. New emerging, current, contemporary and useful topic should be included & outdated, irrelevant, biased & unauthentic topics must be removed from curriculum immediately. History books need to be changed urgently, which are glorifying invaders and destroyers of Indian culture & civilization. Ancient Indian legacies must be praised & contribution of Indian scholars, culture & civilization & bravery of Indian heroes must be included in history books. Biased examples given in political Science & Sociology books immediately should be removed for developing social harmony and sense of nationalism among children.

Written By:

Ambrish Kumar Gupta


Kendriya Vidyalaya Rajkot, Gujarat.


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